Her time spent in The Winter Court is awful, Ash pretending he doesn't love her and then all hell breaks loose the night the Scepter of Seasons is stolen by the Iron Fey. It does go through her mind and shows Ash taking her there and what happened when she first arrived. This books takes place after Meghan is in the Unseelie Court. Three little words basically sum up my feelings for The Iron Daughter: It is amazing! I will be going through withdrawal until then. I am now pining away for the final installment in the series, The Iron Queen. If you werent already flipping the pages at some insane speed already, the last chunk will send you reading at some crazy speed! I was loving the book, but when I got towards the end it threw me over the deep end! It was just perfect. Ash is my absolutely favorite character of the book, and I am still 100% on Team Ash! The Iron Daughter introduces you to a variety of new characters, and I've come to love them all alongside all the old characters. Parts of the book you've never been happier, others you want to cry, others you're just angry, you get the idea. Kagawa really plays with your emotions with The Iron Daughter. Meghan, to me, always comes across as fairy smart, so to me it would just be second nature for her to join in the fight, instead of standing by. I kept waiting for her to pick up a sword and fight, but instead she lets others do the fighting. My single complaint about the book has to deal with Meghan, the main character. I mean, fey plus throw in a twist with all the technology we have in the world? What is NOT to love?!?

This brings us to the plot, which I continue to be awed by. It just captivates you right away, and pulls you right in beside the characters. I just love the world Kagawa has created with The Iron Fey. The books really have an addictive quality that makes you crave more!

Like I said, perfect! I read this book in one sitting, glued to the pages. It is filled with everything you need: action, an intriguing plot, and iron fey who might kill you. I love this book! It's not often I love a book 2 in a series as much as I love book 1, but Julie Kagawa manages to do just that with The Iron Daughter! The Iron Daughter continues to hold this magical feel to it as you read. The Ice Prince she thought loved her has deserted her, and Meghan is left alone, without her fey powers, to find the truth before its too late. Chaos erupts when the scepter of the seasons is stolen, and war is on the brink of outbreak. Now, to fulfill the bargain she made with the Winter Prince, Ash, Meghan is a prisoner to the Winter Court, where a half summer fey princess is not safe. Meghan Chase succeeded in saving her brother, but thats not the end of her story.