
Rebecca mclaughlin confronting jesus
Rebecca mclaughlin confronting jesus

Individuals and groups can work through the book together with the Confronting Jesus Study Guide and the Confronting Jesus Video Study. She shares a vast amount of information and data to support her views, demonstrating her thorough research of each question presented in her book. This follow-up to her first book, Confronting Christianity, helps readers understand the message of the Gospels and explore who Jesus really is. The writer, Rebecca McLaughlin, is obviously very intelligent, educated, and most importantly, well versed in scripture and personally connected to Jesus. Join Natalie Abbott and Rebecca McLaughlin as they talk about how they connect with unbelievers when initiating conversations about the resurrection of Jesus, how the resurrection offers us great hope, what Jesus accomplished for us in his death and resurrection, and an important question Jesus asks in the Gospel of John that we should all be.

rebecca mclaughlin confronting jesus rebecca mclaughlin confronting jesus

Exploring eyewitness testimony about Jesus, McLaughlin points to him as a first-century Jewish man who is the Son of God, King of the Jews, mighty healer, greatest teacher, lover of sinners, suffering servant, perfect sacrifice, and universal Lord. In Confronting Jesus, Rebecca McLaughlin shares important biblical context to help all readers see why the Gospels should be taken seriously as historical documents. But while many people have a basic sketch of Jesus in their minds, comparatively few have taken time to read the four biographies of his life in the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

rebecca mclaughlin confronting jesus

Jesus is the most famous human being in all of history. And if Jesus is the Lamb of God, sacrificed for our sins, loss of Jesus means paying that price for ourselves. Award-Winning Author Rebecca McLaughlin Explores Who Jesus Really Is in This Follow-Up to Confronting Christianity If Jesus is the resurrection and the life, loss of Jesus is eternal death.

Rebecca mclaughlin confronting jesus