
Lost with me j kenner
Lost with me j kenner

Hope was conceived in The Vampire Diaries season four episode Bring It On, and it was revealed that Hayley was pregnant four episodes later in The Originals. Her middle name is Andrea after her mother's birth-name and she takes the surname of her father's side. She was named Hope by her father, who took inspiration from his half-brother Elijah's words about his newborn child being their family's hope.

lost with me j kenner

Due to his marriage to Hayley, Jackson Kenner was her step-father for almost a year, until he was killed by Tristan de Martel. She is the adoptive younger sister of Marcel Gerard via her father. She is also a distant relative of Lana, Eve, and Cary. She is also the niece of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik Mikaelson, and the grand-niece of Dahlia. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson and two unnamed werewolves, as well as the step-granddaughter of Mikael. Hope is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, and she was a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Hope in Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay?

  • Fear Release Spell (with Lizzie on herself).
  • Prison World Astral Projection Spell (various).
  • Earpiece Enchantment (on herself and MG).
  • Object Protection Spell (with Josie on the mora miserium).
  • Projectile Deflection Spell (on herself and Lizzie).
  • lost with me j kenner

  • Spirit Confinement Reversal Spell (on the Hollow assisted by Freya using Klaus, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah).
  • Mind Breaching Spell (on Elijah with Freya).

  • Lost with me j kenner